This three ingredient cranberry sauce is the perfect side dish for thanksgiving. It's also great on turkey sandwiches year round!
I decided to make this because the traditional jelly like sauce in a can was never my favorite. And as I'm learning more and more about the ingredients in many of the foods we buy premade, I'm wanting more and more to make my own. Did you know most (if not all) canned cranberry sauce is mostly high fructose corn syrup? This is cheaper than sugar, and also more addictive. So if you're trying to curb your sugar cravings, high fructose corn syrup should be avoided at all costs!

This recipe is simple and delicious and I promise you won't miss the canned stuff!
3 Ingredient Cranberry Sauce
2 cups whole cranberries
1/2 cup apple cider
zest from 1 orange
First, wash your cranberries! I recommend using this. Next, add your cranberries, cider, and zest to a saucepan over medium heat. Heat until your cranberries are soft (they may start to pop!) and lower the heat. Stir and press on the cranberries until they are all burst open. Keep this simmering for 15-20 minutes over low heat. Stir occasionally until sauce thickens. Chill & serve!
This will keep sealed for 5-7 days in your refrigerator.

**Too tart for you? Add a teaspoon of sugar at a time until its sweet enough for you.